When I was six I spent the night at a natural history museum with flashlight tours of the Egypt exhibit and dinosaurs and a taxidermy bison and sleeping bags and a fake volcano and really I've been a lost cause ever since. Museums, man. They are pretty much the best.
Other things about me that you were almost certainly not dying to know:
- I used to live in Chicago, but I've relocated to Florida, and I'm having a blast finding new museums to explore and love. I'm still not sure about all the bugs, though.
- I am mildly obsessed with manatees. Did you know that they're most closely related to elephants?
I do not currently own any pets, thanks to the Great Fish-Ageddon of 2011. I would rather not talk about that, thank you.I have recovered (mostly) from Fish-Ageddon and am the proud human of a red-and-white spotty dog named Abraham Lincoln. She hates swimming (though she's very good at it), likes to chase tennis balls (though she's not very good at it) and isn't aware that "Abe" is a boy's name.
- I read a lot. Sometimes it's good informative stuff that makes you think. Sometimes it's saucy romance novels. I am still waiting for a saucy romance novel that is full of real facts to make you think, so as to combine the two.
- I once tried to write a saucy romance novel about sexy paleontologists. It remains unfinished.
- The Ankylosaurus is my favorite dinosaur. It could handle itself pretty well when facing the mighty T.rex, it was named by Barnum Brown, a fossil hunter who co-named the Pachycephalosaurus (the flat-out most fun dinosaur name to say out loud, bar none), and it ate so much plant matter that it had a fermentation compartment in its stomach. It is pretty hard to be cooler than that.